Social Security Number In Taiwan: Expats Guide

Lost in the maze of Taiwan’s bureaucracy?

You’re not alone! Learn how to navigate the labyrinth of Taiwan’s Social Security Number system with our comprehensive guide.

Decode the jargon and be in the know.

What Is The Social Security Number In Taiwan?

The National Identification Number Or TIN serves the citizens as Taiwan’s Social Security Number. It is a 10-digit number that is unique and different for everyone.

The ID number issued in one’s country can be linked with a person’s identity. One’s identity is the defining element of one’s essence.

Identity can be defined by one’s actions, nationality, profession, education, or even by place of birth. Every country has some documentation that is used as a legal document that verifies the identity of a person.

Usually, the documentation for verification purposes is referred to as the national identity card on which the social security number is mentioned. With this number, one can avail of different subsidies offered by one’s issuing Country.

In Taiwan, the social security number can be found on the National ID Card issued by the Taiwan’s authorities.

Why Does One Need The Taiwan National ID Number (TIN)?

The National Identification Number in Taiwan can serve multiple purposes. Some of these include:

  • To perform Administrative Tasks
  • For verification and Identification
  • For Tax Filing
  • For better and cheaper access to Healthcare
  • For ease of Employment
  • To gain access to Social Services

Or even if one wants to do simple tasks like the following, one would need their TIN:

  • To Open a Taiwan bank account.
  • To Sign up for a long-term cell phone contract
  • To Order packages from outside of Taiwan
  • Register one’s EasyCard for using bikes or public transport.

What Is The Structure Of The National Identification Number (Social Security Number) In Tawain?

It is a 10-digit code. The first numerical represent the individual’s date of birth. Then comes the alphabetic letters. This formation is usually for those who live in places other than mainland China.

The first two alphabetic letters are, in fact, the first two letters of the individual’s name to which the National Identification number has been assigned.

For the mainland Chinese, a tax number is a ten-digit code that begins with an alphabet first. Then comes the 9-digit numerical value.

The order of the ID number is vital. It is crucial because the alphabets and numerical values embody facts about the individual to whom the number has been assigned.

Alphabetic Letter

The area where the person is born, or lives are represented by alphabetic letters. It can be the code for that particular area. It could also signify the municipality, county, or city where that individual had applied for house registration.


The number represents the gender of the individual. If the number “1” is the first number of the ID code, then the individual will be male. If it is number “2,” the individual will be female.

Who Is Allowed National Identification Numbers (Social Security Numbers) In Taiwan?

Like other countries, Taiwan has different methods of allotting the National ID card Number. It allows the TIIN number to do the following:

  • Taiwanese Citizens
  • Foreign Residents

Taiwanese Citizens:

The national Identification Number is given to Taiwanese Citizens at the time of birth only if they are born to Taiwanese citizens.

Moreover, citizens after the age of 14 years need to present a household registration certificate to receive a National Identification Card Number.

This generated number becomes a source of Identification for the individual’s gender, date of birth, and place.

It is essential because it is to be constantly used in official and administrative records. Also, one would need the National Identification Card Number to avail of different services and subsidies.

Foreign Residents

People who hold dual citizenship or the ones who want to settle in Taiwan and have attained Work permits, dependent or permanent visas, and Gold Cards can also attain citizenship by availing National Identification Card Number.

That will only be possible if they have followed specific rules in accordance with their visas. They have to register their local households with the Local household registration office or National Immigration Agency.

They will also have to renounce their citizenship before being called a Taiwanese citizen.

What Is The Procedure To Attain A National ID Number (Social Security Number) In Taiwan?

The jurisdiction of issuance of National Identity Card in Taiwan comes under the Department of Household Registration in the Ministry of the Interior.

The process of attaining the social security number or the National ID card number in Taiwan is different for the citizens of Taiwan and foreigners.

So, this article will discuss both the procedures for the ease of everyone who wants to attain the National Identification Card Number in Taiwan:

Issuance Of ID Card For Citizens Of Taiwan:

If the following steps are followed, then people born in Taiwan or Mainland China can quickly obtain their National ID Card number:

1. Registration Of Birth

As soon as a child comes into the world, the local registration office accepts their birth record. The district where the child is born is recorded by the Local Household Registration Office.

2. Allocation Of National Identification Number

After the child’s birth has been registered in the Local Household Registration Office, the child is assigned a National Identification Number. This number represents their date of birth, gender, place of birth, and a check digit at the end.

3. Issuance Of National ID Card

Around the age of fourteen, the child becomes eligible to apply for their National Identity Card. They now have to make a registration with their registry of the house at the Department of Local Household Registration.

In this manner, they will be issued their National ID Card Number.

Issuance Of ID Card Number For Foreign Residents In Taiwan:

The issuance of Taiwan ID Numbers is different for foreigners who want to stay for a short while and for those who want to stay on an extended or permanent basis.

For Short-Term Stays:

Foreigners are usually allotted Alien Resident Certificates (ARC) in Taiwan who stay for less than 90 days. It is usually their passport number. Furthermore, it also then becomes their Taiwan ID number.

If one does not have an ARC, then no need to worry. There are no stringent conditions for getting a Taiwan ID Number for foreigners. One can easily apply for a Taiwan ID Number if one has the following:

  • A valid passport from one’s Country.

The Steps To Register For A Taiwan ID Card Number:

  1. Copy the Passport’s ID page.
  2. Copy the stamp page of one’s passport.
  3. Head to the nearest National Immigration Agency
  4. Fill out the application form, which is available in both Chinese and English.
  5. After completing the form, submit the photocopies and application to the awaiting agent.
  6. After submission of the document, one has completed the whole process. One will quickly get a Taiwan ID number on stamped paper.

The Taiwanese ID Number lasts forever. Once the Taiwan ID Number has been obtained, it’s present for one’s use for life. However, if one loses the original issued document, one would need to apply again for the Taiwan ID number.  

For Long-Term Stays

People who want to stay in Taiwan for longer than two months or 180 days or want to become Taiwanese citizens need a different procedure for attaining the National ID card Number.

They need to cover three essential areas to achieve the National ID Number:

1. Status As A Resident:

Registration of one’s household is vital if one wants to achieve a status of a resident in Taiwan. To get the Taiwan ID Number, one must register where one lives legally.

This will ease one’s living whether one wants to have a work permit, study permit, or dependent visa in Taiwan.

2. Application Of National Identification Number:

Once the foreigner has attained residence status, one can apply for the National Identification Number at the nearest Local Household Registration Agency of Taiwan.

3. Registration:

The registration needs to be done within 15 days of arrival by the foreign residents. Also, foreigners who want to register for permanent stay in Taiwan need to renounce their previous citizenship before the new one can be accepted.

Through this process, one can attain their National ID card number (TIN) in Taiwan.

Are The Social Security Number And Social Insurance Same In Taiwan?

The social security number and social insurance are interrelated but also different entities. The social security number is the Taiwan National ID Number. At the same time, Social Insurance refers to the social security system in Taiwan.

Social insurance provides benefits to people in possession of the Taiwan National Identity Card Number. Further elaborations on the social security system of Taiwan have been given below.

What Is The Social Security System, And What Does It Cover?

The social security system of Taiwan is a strong social system that covers the needs of people belonging to different groups and strata.

It provides benefits and helps Taiwan’s citizens in possession of the Taiwan National ID card number (TIN).

In this system, different insurances like Labour Insurance, National Health Insurance, Labour Pension fund, and Specialised Insurance offer their services and work together to strengthen the society in Taiwan.

Some of such services are mentioned below:

  • The Labor Insurance scheme provides assistance to laborers in different cases, such as:
  • In death,
  • When injured or ill
  • Suffered from loss of daily functional abilities,
  • Assists in medical costs arising from occupational hazards.

The Labor Insurance also offers benefits to:

  • People who have disability.
    • It aids in survivors’ pensions,
    • Arranges Maternity allowances.
    • Offers sickness benefits.
    • Provides help to old-aged people.
  • The National Health Insurance (NHI) system is a social insurance that offers assistance to all residents of the Country.

This program allows all individuals, even ex-pats with a full-time job or work permit, equal access to healthcare services.

However, if the Alien Resident Card of a foreign resident expires, then they will not be able to avail of services of National Health Insurance.

The National Health Insurance ensures:

  • Equal healthcare access for all citizens
  • The Labor Pension Program provides plans for all working individuals. This program also includes assistance to foreign residents. It basically:
    • Directs all employees to make contributions towards individual pension accounts.
  • Specialized insurance exists for: Farmers, Public servants, Teachers, Military personnel. 

What Are The Contributions To Different Social Insurance Programs Made By Employees In Taiwan In 2023?

For 2023, social security contributions made by employees all over Taiwan to Labour Insurance Program (LIP), National Health Insurance (NHI), and Labout Pension Program (LPP) are as follows:

LIP11%NT$45,80020% of premium
NHI5.17 %NT4150,00030% or premium
LPP6%NT$ 150,000

All Taiwan employers and employees make mandatory contributions to the social security system of Taiwan.

The National Pension Fund, the National Health Insurance Scheme, Unemployment Insurance, and the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Scheme are a few of such social security programs.

However, if one compares Taiwan’s mandatory social security contributions with other Asian countries like South Korea, China, and Japan.

Then on average, the Taiwanese contribute lower than those in the surrounding countries. The percentage of social security benefits in other countries approximates:

  • South Korea: 9.545%
  • China: 27.5%
  • Japan: 15.87%


Congrats, you’ve unlocked the mystery of Taiwan’s Social Security Number system! Now go on and conquer the rest of your expat journey with the same gusto. Until next time, stay savvy!

Happy Registering for TIN!

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