Parental Allowance In Italy

The numerous advantages the Italian government offers new families should delight everyone who intends to start a family there. Maternity leave, parental leave, and parental allowance are all part of the family benefits.
Everything you need to know about parental allowance will be covered in this guide.
What Is Parental Allowance In italy?
The Italian government offers new parents parental allowance payment.
On August 13, 2022, Italy’s new parental leave laws went into effect. Until recently, parental leave allowed for a 30% pay allowance until the child’s sixth year of life, for a maximum of six months between both parents (thus, also all six months taken by one parent).
The right to the allowance is now extended under the new parental leave laws in Italy until the kid is 12 and is divided differently between the parents. Additionally, from 10 to 11 months is added to the lone parent’s overall leave (support for single-parent households).
Without affecting the maximum amounts of leave that parents may take (to the extent of 3 months, non-transferable, to each parent for a total of 6 months), the new parental leave also increases the duration of the compensable time at the cost of Inps by 30%, from 6 to 9 months.
Instead, parents are entitled to a 30% allowance for each additional year of parental leave taken for a child with a severe disability, up to a maximum of three years.
Requirements For Parental Insurance In Italy
The requirements for parents are:
- Italian citizenship
- European citizenship
- a minimum six-month residency permit
- Residency in Italy for at least two years, even if it wasn’t continuous.
- Contract for permanent or fixed-term employment that is at least six months long (in which case income tax must have been paid)
- Pregnancy reaches the third trimester.
The prerequisites for kids include the following:
- not older than 21 years old
- Once they turn 18, they must be engaged in a training or educational program, registered for work, or performing universal community service.
- no age restriction if disabled
Both parents will profit from the seventh month of pregnancy (the third trimester) until each child becomes 21 years old.
The allowance is given to the parent who submits the INPS application first. However, it is also feasible for both parents to share it equally.
INPS has developed a methodology to determine the allowance’s amount.
Who Can Receive Parental Benefits In Italy?
In general, there is no minimum contribution needed for the maternity allowance, except for those who work in agriculture or domestic labor, are self-employed, and enrolled in a different INPS program.
While on maternity leave, you are not permitted to do any employment. This responsibility is not covered if you fall under the categories of self-employed workers, independent contractors, or employees with fixed-term contracts who are members of a different INPS plan.
Additionally, paternity allowance requires time away from work.
You can file for parental leave, whether you’re the mother or the father, up until your child becomes 12 or until the child you have guardianship of or who you adopted enters the family in the twelfth year. If you are an independent worker, many conditions are established.
In The Case Of Separated Or Divorced Parents
The single allowance must be split equally amongst individuals with parental responsibility in the event of separation or divorce.
Whoever requests the single allowance must include the personal information of the other parent when filing the application to the INPS unless the parties have otherwise agreed.
If one parent has been given exclusive custody, that parent will be entitled to the allowance if there isn’t an agreement.
The allowance would only be given if a legal guardian had to be chosen for the protected kid.
If the individual paying the maintenance allowance transfers it to the ex-spouse, the single allowance may have an impact on it (in connection to other forms of allowance). The separation agreement, in this instance, has to be examined.
Tax Deductions
Tax deductions are now available for costs associated with attending college (such as buying books, etc.) and renting dorm rooms.
Tax discount on rent or the purchase of a first house is available to young couples or families with one parent under 35.
Additionally, incentives will be provided to support children’s independence from their families of origin.
Tax relief is also possible for costs associated with providing domestic services or helping out family members who are struggling financially.
Allowance Amounts
Following are the allowance amounts, which are adjusted based on the ISEE’s definition of the parents’ income:
- For a dependent youngster, up to 175 euros.
- For adult children under the age of 21, up to 85 euros.
- Eighty-five euros per month for each child following the second.
- If not self-sufficient, the amount would be lowered to 95 euros for each kid with a severe handicap or 85 euros for each child with a slight disability, for a total of 105 euros each month.
- Fifty euros each month for every disabled kid under the age of 21.
- For every disabled kid aged 21 or older, the monthly allowance is 85 euros.
- When the mother is under 21, there is a monthly fee of 20 euros for each minor kid.
- If both parents make a living, each minor child will cost 30 euros per month.
- For a family with four or more kids, the monthly budget is 100 euros.
In Italy, How And Where Can You Apply For The Parental Allowance?
Before the start of the maternity leave and, in any case, no later than one year following the conclusion of the allowance period, you must submit your application for maternity or paternity benefits to INPS online, via the Contact Center, or Patronato (institutions for advice and social assistance).
The electronic pregnancy certificate provided by a physician employed by the national health service or recognized under it must be sent to the INPS with your application.

Does Parental Allowance Require Me To Take Parental Leave?
It is optional to take parental leave in order to get a parental allowance in Italy.
Parental allowance in italy is a tremendous social benefit for new families. You can read this guide to learn all about Parental allowance.