Living in Greece: Expat Residency Guide

Welcome to, your compass for navigating the exciting path to establishing residency in Greece.

In this article, we embark on a journey to demystify the process, requirements, and benefits of becoming a resident expat in this enchanting Mediterranean haven.

Whether you’re drawn to Greece’s rich history, stunning landscapes, or vibrant culture, our guide will empower you with the knowledge you need to seamlessly transition from a visitor to a cherished resident.

What is a Greek permanent residence permit?

A Greek permanent residence permit allows the holder to work and reside in Greece for a longer time period compared to a temporary one which needs to be renewed after a year or two. After getting this permit, one is eligible for Greek citizenship.

Temporary vs permanent residence permit Greece

The biggest distinction between the two is that permanent residency permits never need to be renewed and never expire, but temporary residency permits must be renewed at least once if you stay for more than a year.

They both look very similar to each other and the only difference is the type mentioned on the card.

What are the benefits of a permanent residence permit in Greece?

There are numerous benefits to having a permanent residence permit such as:

  • Any Greek resident can get access to local universities and schools in Greece as well as take advantage of other educational facilities being provided.
  • Access to local banks and open up an account there. If you’re an entrepreneur who works with people internationally then you can make transactions.
  • Local clinics and hospitals are also free of charge for the residents.
  • After living in Greece for 7 years and having their permanent residence permit, you can also apply for citizenship.

Can you travel with your Greek permanent residence permit?

If you are a permanent resident, you can visit the European states under the Schengen agreement without a visa for up to 90 days every six months.

Some states outside the agreement are also accessible without a visa such as Cyprus and Croatia. For the rest of the states, you might need a visa so you don’t face any troubles.

Can Greek permanent residence expire?

The permit can expire as it lasts for five years, although, in order to renew it, you just need to fill in a simple form and you’re good to go.

How to maintain Greek permanent residence?

The permit itself has an unlimited lifetime, all you need to do is fill out a form every five years to renew it. No need to go over the whole process again as long as you have a valid passport and national ID card.

You need to maintain an investment or buy a property in Greece according to the laws in order to keep hold of your residency. You can’t leave the country for longer than two years at once.

How long does it take to get permanent residency in Greece?

You can apply for the Greek permanent residence permit after seven years of your physical stay in Greece. Until that point, you are given a temporary residence permit for two years after which you can renew them every three years.

Once your seven years are complete, you can make an appointment and visit the office along with the required documents to get yourself a permanent residence permit as well as the citizenship.

Who can get a permanent residence permit in Greece with reduced waiting time?

In certain situations, you can apply for the permanent residence permit in reduced time, some are as follows:

  • As an investor: The investor has three options: purchase real estate, put money in a Greek bank, or buy stocks. The investor may submit an application for permanent residency after five years of holding the golden visa.
  • After two more years, you can submit an application for Greek citizenship. You need to be over 18 and have no criminal record. The minimum investment is of 250,000 euros and can be done in the form of buying a property, purchase land for construction or rent a hotel for 10 years.

Requirements For a Permanent Residence Permit in Greece

To be able to apply for the permanent residence permit in Greece, there a couple of requirements:

  • Be over the age of 18
  • Have no criminal record
  • Have to stay for at least 7 years unless you’re an investor
  • Basic understanding of the Greek language
  • Filled in application form
  • Valid passport copy
  • A 180 euro application fee as well as a 16 euro issuance card fee
  • Insurance policy from an insurance company
  • Copy of travel documents
  • Property ownership papers
  • A recent colored photograph

There may be some additional documents that you are required to bring so do check in before hand to be fully prepared and save yourself the trouble.

Requirements For a Permanent Residence Permit for Family Members of Foreign Nationals in Greece

If you have moved to Greece with your family members, they also need to obtain a temporary residence permit. They would then reside for at least five years after which they can apply for the permit with you.

Close relatives such as a spouse, a registered Greek partner and children under the age of 21 have the right to apply for permanent residence permit.

Family members also need to submit all the documents that you had done earlier but the difference is that the 180 euro application fee isn’t required for them. They also need to provide proof of their relation with you such as birth certificates or martial status.

The Application Process for a Permanent Residence Permit in Greece

After five years of residence in Greece, the bearer of an active temporary residence permit compiles the required paperwork. At the Ministry of Immigration’s official website, a lawyer submits an application with all necessary supporting documentation.

Because only lawyers have access, the process must be completed electronically. Until the card is granted, confirmation is automatically issued and permits residence in Greece. Within one to two months of the permit’s approval, the Greek Permanent Residency card is given out.

Costs Of a Permanent Residence Permit in Greece

There is a 180 euro application fee for an employee and a 16 euro card issuance fee. Investors and company executives need to pay 2000 euro for this same application fee.


As you conclude this illuminating guide, remember that Greece offers more than picturesque vistas; it extends a warm embrace to expats who choose to call it home.

Your journey to Greek residency is a testament to your determination and our commitment at is to provide you with the tools and insights needed for a successful transition.

Now that you’re equipped with the essentials, go forth and embark on this exciting chapter of life, ready to savor every moment in your newfound Greek residence

Embrace Greece

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