Insurance In Greece

Insurance In Greece

Adoption of and perception of insurance is entirely different for people living in developed / first world countries versus those living in a third world / underdeveloped country. In third-world countries, insurance is only taken to get life cover or as an investment plan to support children’s education and vehicle insurance. Businesses get their assets insured, too, but we are not talking about insurance available to/taken by corporations in this article. For ex-pats coming from any such country, it may be a good idea to study a bit about the role of insurance in the daily life of Greece (or any other first-world country) and the different kinds of insurance offered in Greece.

Generally, handling that expense out of your pocket is expensive wherever insurance is available. Any such expense can throw your budget out of balance for at least a month or two. People in developed countries want to avoid such surprises and prefer to pay a recurring but affordable sum to utilize insurance when needed.

Before starting your trip to Greece, evaluating what kinds of insurance you need will be a good idea. For a short vacation of 1-2 weeks, you should get proper travel insurance that covers your health and the assets you take with you. However, for this kind of short-trip insurance, most people subscribe to their trusted insurance provider in their home country. Those planning to move to Greece for at least a few months or, for the foreseeable future, need to take insurance locally from an insurance company in Greece.

You might still be wondering if you want to get a particular insurance policy or not; here are some benefits you can get with insurance:

The first and critical benefit of getting insurance is that you are covered for your losses; if your insured property is damaged, the insurer will cover the losses. 

Key Considerations While Getting An Insurance

Some key considerations that you should take into account while signing up for any insurance are:

Check for the average time your potential insurer takes to evaluate, settle, and process the claims from the date they receive them.

Check for the solvency ratio of your potential insurer, i.e., if your insurer has the financial capability to commit, they are entering with you.

For car insurance, look for an insurance plan that covers expenses in case your car immobilizes. I.e., in case your car is out of fuel, has a flat tire, or has an engine or electrical failure causing you to tow the car to a workshop.

Always check if the insurer has a 24×7 helpline and if they do not put you on hold for too long when you need them the most.

Many insurers in Greece do not cover damages if you are drunk; you might want to check if your insurance plan covers that.

Be generous while selecting the amount/limit of how much third-party liability you want to cover as part of your insurance plan. God forbid, if you end up damaging an expensive property/asset, you would not want your insurer to leave you alone in such a situation.

Only some insurances cover every little aspect of possible health issues or damages, so define your priorities right and ensure that what you want to be covered is noticed.

While you might do all the research and think you are getting a good deal, it is always a good idea to hire an agent who is an expert in comparing insurance policies and can get you the best deal.

For car insurance, always have the option to revise your insurance every year as the car depreciates with time, and paying a high premium for it may be a waste of money.

When getting life insurance, you should carefully determine how much coverage you want to sign up for. It would help if you considered how long you want yourself covered in an accident and how long you want your dependents to be covered in case of your death.

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The Top Five Must-Have Insurances In Greece

Once you arrive in Greece, you should get yourself insured along with your belongings, whether a house, a car, or even your pet. A mega move, like moving from one country to another on a permanent/long-term basis, can be expensive and may leave holes in your packet, which take a little while to recover from. Choosing which insurance(s) you want to sign up for is a wise thought as to which ones to leave behind for a little later. Here we will be discussing the top five insurance that are must-haves to be in Greece.

Personal Liability Insurance

Personal liability insurance or coverage protects you from paying enormous sums if you damage someone’s phone while listening to a phone call or hit someone while walking on the road. It saves you from paying a considerable amount for injuries to a third party or even accidental damage to your neighbor caused by your child. This matters a lot, especially when you are staying away from your home country. Personal liability insurance in Greece saves you from third-party claims of injury, property damage, death, or financial loss. 

Personal liability insurance is usually purchased with home insurance, car (or any automobile) insurance, and at times people get this as a standalone insurance cover to protect them from financial losses in case they (or any of their family member) causes damage to someone else’s property or health.

Expat Health Insurance:

Healthcare in Greece is ranked as one of the best in the world. According to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization, Greece ranked 14th on the list of 191 countries. The Greek healthcare system even provides free emergency healthcare for its residents regardless of nationality (citizens are covered too). Still, a good percentage of the population does maintain private health insurance because of its advantages. The extent to which free healthcare is available dramatically depends upon your residency status and years of staying in Greece. If you are here in Greece as a skilled person, you will be paying social security contributions and entitled to free healthcare.  

Health insurance in Greece starts at as low as 26 euros per month, saving you money in the long run if you have some long-term condition. Other than that, other healthcare plans cover maternity care as well, where you will need a considerable amount, whether it’s just a check-up or a hospital visit. 

Private health insurance also covers advanced-level dental treatment and preventive dental care. Health insurance also covers denture change every five to 6 years or so. 

Disability as a result of some accidents is also covered under health insurance. 

When someone moves away from their home country, and that too for a longer time, then there are many concerns regarding a new place, job, and most importantly, health. Of course, if your health is good, you can focus on your new job and new house and will enjoy the new place. Once you get your ticket to Greece, we suggest you have your comprehensive health insurance plan to save you from paying medical expenses out of your pocket. 

Despite its beauty, which is what Greece is famous for, it is not a financially stable country, so you can only sometimes rely on its free emergency healthcare system for its citizens and residents. It would help if you had a backup plan in which you are entirely secured by private insurance. 

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Car Insurance

The average price of a sedan car in Greece is around 25,000 euros. The price can go further high if you buy luxury cars. By law, you are bound to have insurance for your car in Greece for third-party liability. Two types of insurance need to be covered: comprehensive and third-party liability. Comprehensive vehicle insurance will cover the damage caused to your car by you, which includes glass breakage and natural threat. In the worst-case scenario, damage caused by theft or fire will also be covered by comprehensive insurance. 

Regarding third-party liability, it will cover third-party claims for personal injuries or any legal costs involved. These insurance companies have a 24/7 customer support program to facilitate you at any time. Being an ex-pat, we suggest you get your car insurance as soon as possible. As this expensive car, you should not lose any way while everyone struggles in the initial years when they move abroad.

Pet Insurance

I have some excellent news for you that Greece offers. If you have a furry friend with you and want to travel with your friend, Greece has so much to offer you. You just have to show proof of anti-rabies vaccination that took place a minimum of 21 days before travel; also, all the pets entering Greece should have microchips fitted in them. So, you should have your pet’s health booklet and passport ready if you want your pet to travel with you. Then you can travel on a pet-friendly airline, and once you reach Greece, you can go everywhere with your pet. Once you are in Greece along with your furry, you should get it insured for any disease it may catch during travel or after entering the new country. Certain insurance companies offer cat and dog-specific insurance policies because vet bills or any illness diagnosis can be problematic for you sometimes. Pet insurance will cut down your cost of unexpected expenses or medical care. Some policies also include any long-term medical treatment of your dog, like chemotherapy without overnight stay and pet owner liability. Imaging and laboratory tests due to any illness or accident, primarily free or in some cases at discounted rates, are the central part of the insurance policy. With these insurance policies, one can get discounted pet food products. Two to three pet grooming sessions are free, and an insurer can get discounted rates for further sessions. Introductory socializing and hospitality training sessions are also offered free of cost. So, pet insurance is a big yes if you are traveling to Greece with your pet and want to stay here for extended periods. 

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is not mandatory in Greece. If you are planning to move to Greece for some good, although you are not legally bound to have travel insurance, we recommend you have your travel insurance anyway. Travel insurance costs depend on your stay in Greece and the coverage you are interested in. So, If you are traveling to Greece in the coming weeks, you can have insurance as low as 20 euros per person per week, and it can go up to 50 euros per person per week. So, it depends upon how much you want to pay. If you are traveling with your family, then of course, including all family members in insurance will increase its cost, but it is worth the value.  

Travel insurance protects you from canceling your trip for unforeseeable reasons or if you want to cut your trip short. Most travel insurance covers medical emergencies, flight cancellation, and medical evacuation, along with lost, damaged, or wholly stolen luggage. It covers travel and accommodation costs caused by unforeseen illnesses or injuries during your trip. It also covers theft of cash or passport during your stay. 

Two types of payment methods are usually followed in Greece for insurance. First, one is the insurance company directly pays your hospital or clinic fee or any other treatment needed, and the second one is reimbursement; you pay the bill for medical treatment and then send the receipts or invoice to the insurer. 

Three Insurances In Greece To Further Consider

Bicycle Insurance

While moving to this tourist paradise for work purposes, we recommend you enjoy Greece on weekends on a bicycle. If you love to ride a bicycle, you may have your own, but if you don’t have one, you can still rent it from bicycle clubs. Greek islands are best explored on a bicycle, and if you are with your family, your trip to any island will be unforgettable. So, whether you have your bicycle or are riding a rented bicycle, get yourself insured against that. Due to any accident caused during your ride, you may completely break your bicycle or hurt yourself, making you spend a heavy amount for its repair or your medical expense. So, it’s recommended to have bicycle insurance as soon as you get it. It also covers the cost for the third party you might have to pay if you hurt someone. Bicycle insurance even covers the cost if your bike is stolen from your home or away from home. 

Life Insurance

If you plan to move to Greece for a more extended period, that is, if you want to settle in Greece, you might need life insurance. Life insurance is not necessarily applicable once you are old. If you get life insurance early, you can get better insurance deals. It is not for a specific country where you live, but it applies wherever you go. Life insurance covers your dependents in case of your death. Most life insurance plans give you a more significant sum of money at the end of your insurance tenure in case you are alive, which can be helpful during your retired life. 

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Home / Mortgage Insurance

Another basic form of insurance is home insurance. Whether you are a tenant or an owner, this insurance will cover you in need. Being an ex-pat, we want to save you from any unfortunate incident. Some insurance plans also cater to natural disasters like earthquake destruction too, but most insurances do not cater to natural disasters. This insurance covers your property against fire, water, or other damages like theft and burglary. Houses are almost always a high-value asset; damage to them can be fatal in terms of loss to the house itself and the financial impact of the property damage. It is always a good idea to insure your house for all damages.


Insurance is a way how someone manages his risk. Whether you are an employer or an employee, when you get your required insurance, you will minimize your financial losses. The insurance company bears these unexpected financial losses, but if you do not have any, you may have to pay all the relevant costs yourself. Selection of an appropriate insurance plan is always beneficial whether you are an ex-pat or citizen of any country.